A Biweekly Electronic Newsletter for the Faculty and Staff of
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University


Col. R. Bruce Monroe

The North Carolina A&T State University community will celebrate the institution’s 123rd anniversary at the annual Founders’ Day Convocation Thursday, March 20, at 10 a.m. in the Richard B. Harrison Auditorium. The keynote speaker will be Col. R. Bruce Monroe.more



The 28th annual observance of Small Farms Week is March 23–29, and features workshops, tours, demonstrations and the announcement of the 2014 Small Farmer of the Year. iStockphoto.com/cookedphotosmore

Food drive

The N.C. A&T Staff Senate is sponsoring a food drive at the Monday, March 3, Aggies vs. S.C. State Bulldogs basketball game in Corbett Sports Center at 6 p.m. (women’s) and 8 p.m. (men’s). With two canned food items, the general public will be able to purchase a general seating ticket for the discounted price of $10. The discounted price excludes reserved seating.


Each individual who brings canned food items will receive a raffle ticket from a Staff Senate representative. The raffle ticket is required to purchase a discounted game ticket. All raffle ticket stub holders will be eligible for a raffle at half time.

Property management workshop

The Property Management Department will host a workshop on property management policy and procedures regarding fixed assets and annual inventory, Wednesday, March 12, in Merrick Hall Auditorium, room 125, 10 a.m.–noon. The workshop is open to all employees who have the responsibility of inventorying, purchasing and disposing equipment. 


To attend the workshop, complete the registration form and fax it to the Property Management Office by Friday, March 7. For questions, send an email to colemani@ncat.edu or cobbg@ncat.edu.

Opinions, please

F.D. Bluford Library is surveying faculty, staff and students to provide better technology services. Four survey respondents will be randomly selected to win $25 Walmart gift cards. The survey ends Friday, March 14, so don’t delay.

Fees increase

The UNC Board of Governors has approved the increase of required student fees at 15 of the state’s public higher education institutions. N.C. A&T students will see an increase of about $221, or 4.2 percent.

Let’s win this

Aggies, to win The Home Depot’s Retool Your School campus improvement grant competition this year you must vote—daily!


The Home Depot will award one major grant of $50,000, 13 minor grants of $10,000 and a Campus Pride grant worth $25,000. The major grant will be awarded to the college or university that receives the most online votes, and the Campus Pride grant will be awarded to institution chosen by a combination of voting and social media activity. To vote, visit www.ncat.edu, look under The Latest, click on Retool Your School and follow the instructions. And don’t forget to tell family and friends to vote, too.

DOPE conference

The fifth annual Dialogue On Progressive Enlightenment (DOPE) conference will be on campus March 20–22. This year’s theme, “African. Health. Psychology.,” will examine the potential for African systems to address health problems by exposing students to cultural, nutritional, political and psychological factors affecting health in the United States and Africa. DOPE 2014 will feature a keynote address from Dr. Iyelli Ichile, assistant professor of African American studies at Temple University, as well as student talks, administrative panels, community engagement projects, Fight Club and invited presentations from world-renowned intellectuals including Drs. Umar Johnson, Marimba Ani, Jared Ball, Mark Bolden and Quito Swan. DOPE is sponsored by the Divisions of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs. For additional information, contact dopeconference@gmail.com, 336-285-2273 or @dopeconference.

Enrichment camps

Registration has begun for this year’s Aggie Enrichment Camps for children ages 6-13. The camps will run June 16 through Aug. 1. N.C. A&T employees (permanent and temporary) may sign up for payroll deductions online. For more information contact the Summer Sessions Office at 336-334-7810.

Dr. Ceola Ross BaberDr. Ceola Ross Baber, professor of leadership studies, has published the forward in “African American Women Educators: A Critical Examination of Their Pedagogies, Educational Ideas, and Activism From the Nineteenth to the Mid-Twentieth Century,” edited by Karen Johnson, Abul Pitre and Kenneth Johnson. Baber and Brandy Baldwin have published “Health Equity Collaborative Evaluation Planning Program (HECEPP) Cultural Competency Readiness Protocol,” a publication funded by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services/Division of Public Health, Measuring the Impact: Health Equity and the NC Community Transformation Grant Project.


In addition, Baber has been awarded a subcontract with the UNC-Chapel Hill Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (Oct. 1, 2013–Sept. 30, 2014).

Amanda Curley and Blair Hedgecock, project manager and operations manager, respectively, at the Center for Behavioral Health and Wellness, are among the first group of instructors participating in the state’s new Youth Mental Health First Aid program. After a week of training, 32 individuals representing 95 counties across North Carolina have returned to their communities and will train other adults who regularly deal with young people to recognize the signs, symptoms and risk factors of mental illnesses and addictions.


The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) committed to implementing Youth Mental Health First Aid as part of the N.C. Center for Safer Schools, established by Governor Pat McCrory as a centralized and customer-focused school safety and crisis prevention resource. The Center sponsored a series of public forums around the state that yielded valuable lessons about the need for a stronger support system for troubled middle and high school aged youth.

Bonnie Newman Davis

Bonnie Newman Davis, the Greensboro News & Record/Janice Bryant Howroynd Endowed Professor of Journalism, received an Academic Teaching and Learning grant to attend “A New Curriculum for a New Journalism: Adding Basic Data, Visualization and Digital Storytelling to Journalism Courses,” at the Poynter Institute for Media Studies in St. Petersburg, Fla., Jan. 6-8.


As editor of the NABJ Journal, a professional magazine for the nation’s largest organization for journalists of color, Davis has produced her fifth issue of the publication, which focuses on African American journalists’ coverage of the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington. Davis also co-authored an article with A&T student journalism student Ashleigh Wilson. In addition, Davis’ column about the International Civil Rights Center and Museum’s annual gala was published Feb. 16 in the Greensboro News & Record.

Dr. Loury Ollison Floyd

Dr. Loury Ollison Floyd, associate professor and associate dean in the School of Education, has been elected president of the North Carolina Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators for a two-year term. NC-ACTE is a statewide organization that monitors and promotes teacher education across North Carolina. Chapter presidents (or liaison representative) also serve as members of the Advisory Council of State Representatives.

Dr. Anthony Graham (left), Louis Judge III (center) and Samuel C. “Chip” Cook (right)

Dr. Anthony Graham (left), chair of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Louis Judge III (center), director of technology transfer, and Samuel C. “Chip” Cook (right), lecturer in the Department of Speech Communication, have been recognized among the 2014 40 Leaders Under 40 in the Piedmont Triad by The Business Journal. The award acknowledges leaders for their accomplishments and contributions to the Piedmont Triad. The leaders are featured in the Feb. 21 print edition of The Business Journal.

Dr. Schenita Davis Randolph (top left), Dr. Inez Tuck (top right), Dr. Kelly Graves (bottom left) and Dr. Rosalyn Lang-Walker (bottom right)

Dr. Schenita Davis Randolph (top left), assistant professor, Dr. Inez Tuck (top right), professor and dean, in the School of Nursing, along with Dr. Kelly Graves (bottom left), executive director of the Center for Behavioral Health and Wellness, and Dr. Rosalyn Lang-Walker (bottom right), assistant professor in the Department of Biology, presented a poster at the Southern Nursing Research Council’s annual meeting in San Antonio Texas. The poster, “Interdisciplinary Research Team Investigates Access to Care,” highlighted the work the team completed on the Cone Health Foundation Access to Care white paper.


Dr. Judy Rashid

Dr. Judy Rashid, dean of students, was honored for 12 years of service to the National Association of Student Conduct Administration at the organization’s annual conference in St. Petersburg, Fla. Rashid has served in several capacities: first member council representative for Senior Student Affairs Officers (SSAO); subsequent chairperson, SSAO program track; chair, conference evaluations; co-chair, NASPA/ASCA Late Night Events Taskforce; summer faculty, Gehring Institute (Salt Lake City); and member, Education Strategic Planning Taskforce.

Calendar of Events Legend

Thru MAR 17

Weaver Academy Student Art Show Location: University Galleries,
Dudley Building

FEB 28 | 9 a.m.

UNC Social Entrepreneurship Conference
Keynote: Tom Szaky (CEO, TerraCycle)
Location: Alumni-Foundation Event Center


FEB 28 | 4–6 p.m.

Master of School Administration
Recruitment Information Session
Location: Proctor Hall, Room 160
Contact: Dr. Alisa Taliaferro or
Leslie Justice, 336-285-2152

MAR 1 | 4 p.m., 6 p.m.

Aggie Basketball Community
Outreach Day
Aggies vs. Savannah State
Location: Corbett Sports Center

MAR 3–7

Spring Break

MAR 12

Undergraduate mid-term
grades due

MAR 17

Advisement period begins for
summer sessions and fall semester

MAR 18 | 4–5 p.m.

Traditional B.S.N. Entry Option
Information Session
Location: Noble Hall, Room 116
Contact: Carliss Lee, 336-285-3567


MAR 18 | 5–6 p.m.

Accelerated B.S.N. Entry Option
Information Session
Location: Noble Hall, Room 116
Contact: Carliss Lee, 336-285-3567

MAR 18 | 5–6 p.m.

B.S.N. Completion Entry Option
Information Session
Location: Noble Hall, Room 210
Contact: Carliss Lee, 336-285-3567

MAR 20 | 10 a.m

Founders Day Convocation
Keynote: Col. R. Bruce Monroe (USAF)
Location: Harrison Auditorium

MAR 20–22

Fifth Annual DOPE Conference
Keynote: Dr. Iyelli Ichile (Temple University)
Location: Campus

Small Farms Week


U.S. News & World Report


Affordable College Online



Dr. Harold L. Martin Sr.


Nicole Pride


Nicole Pride


Sandra M. Brown


Samantha V. Hargrove
Courtney J. Jackson


Charles E. Watkins


Derek Brandon
Yvonne L. Halley


David Arneke
Gretchen Cobb
Cathy Gant Hill
Carliss Lee
Veronica McClain
Rosalie Roberts
Tanisha Sibley
Kate Silton
Dr. Alisa Taliaferro
Marychristiana E. Uzochukwu



ReTool Your School

THE AGGIE REPORT is a biweekly electronic newsletter for the faculty and staff of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.

Send information to be considered for inclusion to the editor: aggierpt@ncat.edu

Copy deadlines are available online.

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University is a land-grant university that is ranked by the Carnegie Classification System as a doctoral/research institution.
N.C. A&T is an AA/EEO employer, and it is an ADA compliant institution; thus, facilities are designed to provide accessibility to individuals with physical disabilities.