The School of Technology at North Carolina A&T State University introduced its new Tech Thursdays this fall, designed to attract current and prospective students, staff, faculty, and the Greensboro community to the field of technology.
Tech Thursdays, created by Dr. Sherry Abernathy, assistant dean of student services in the School of Technology and the staff of the Office of Student Success was designed to inform prospective and current students about career opportunities in the industry. The monthly sessions help bring awareness to what technology majors do and how they match up with careers in the field.
“My overall vision is a place where you can learn in detail about technology programs and how it helps you achieve a great career that pays well,” said Abernathy.
Sessions will include an overview of the School of Technology programs offered at N.C. A&T. Additionally, discussions include information about specific technology programs that include applied engineering technology, construction management, electronics technology, environmental health and safety, geomatics, graphic communication systems and motorsports technology. Sessions were facilitated by department chairs in the school of technology, currents students and the office of student success staff. Prospective students who attended the session also had the opportunity to have one-on-one interaction with the facilitators.
Along with increasing the attendees knowledge of the technology industry, some long terms goals that the School of Technology has for Tech Thursday include expanding the session to online interactions, boosting the number of prepared technical professional in the industry and increasing the number of female technology professionals as result of individuals attending. Tech Thursdays will continue throughout the upcoming spring semester.
Other initiatives from the School of Technology include the Living and Learning Community named Technology and Innovation, which gives incoming freshman support in their academic major and a chance to be involved in a student showcase. The showcase is the third week in March during Technology Week. The students will have the opportunity to show their research and ideas to other disciplines of technology and collaborate with them. Technology week will be March 2014. |