The Alumni Times - N.C. A&T State University Alumni Newsletter
Professor Dr. Mahour Parast and graduate student Daniel Oldham were awarded the grand prize of $100,000

Bio-Adhesive Alliance Team Wins $100K at 2013 MegaWatt Ventures Competition

The N.C. A&T Bio-Adhesive Alliance Inc. team won the 2013 Mega Watt Ventures competition.

Civil engineering professor, Dr. Ellie Fini, who serves as the team’s technical advisor; technology professor, Dr. Mahour Parast, and graduate student Daniel Oldham were awarded the grand prize of $100,000, Sept. 24.

MegaWatt Ventures is an annual clean energy business plan competition sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, in conjunction with Southeastern U.S. universities. The competition is designed to encourage the commercialization of innovative energy-related technologies from the lab bench into the marketplace.

The Bio-Adhesive Alliance’s winning technology utilizes swine waste to create a durable construction adhesive that enhances pavement performance. Recently, the Bio-Adhesive Alliance Team was crowned champion of the ACC Clean Energy Challenge and have now taken first place in the U.S. Department of Energy National Clean Energy Business Plan Competition representing the entire Southeastern US.

"It is a testament to our team's effort and dedication to be recognized with this honor, said Dr. Ellie Fini.

“I enjoy this, and it’s challenging,” she said of the entrepreneurial process as a scientist and researcher. “Every day is a new learning experience, and I like to see technology be applied and successful.”

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