N.C. A&T’s fall graduation ceremony will be held Saturday, December 13, at the Greensboro Coliseum. The ceremony will begin at 8:30 a.m. Parking at the Coliseum is free for the event. To view the ceremony live via the Internet, go to http://www.ncat.edu and click on the link to commencement.
More than 800 students who completed their work during the summer sessions and fall semester will receive their bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degrees.
Speaker for the event will be Jo Ann Jenkins, chief executive officer of AARP. She Jenkins is the first African American woman to lead AARP. Before becoming CEO, she served as AARP’s chief operating officer, leading the organization’s work in support of Americans age 50-plus and their families. Jenkins joined AARP in 2010 as president of AARP Foundation, AARP’s affiliated charity.
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