The Alumni Times - N.C. A&T State University Alumni Newsletter
Senior Destenie Nock

Top Graduating Student Shares Success and Journey

Senior Destenie Nock is set to graduate from North Carolina A&T State University on Saturday, May 10, with two degrees, a perfect grade point average, an opportunity to pursue a master’s degree in Ireland and a PhD fellowship at the University of Massachusetts- Amherst.

In November 2013, Nock made North Carolina A&T history when she became the first Aggie to receive the prestigious George J. Mitchell Scholarship. In September she will travel miles away from her Lusby, Md., childhood home to study Sustainable Electrical Energy Systems at Queen’s University Belfast in Northern Ireland.

Nock, who held a double major in electrical engineering and applied mathematics, has left many wondering how she did it.

“I have never pulled an all-nighter,” Nock shared.

In her freshman year, Nock attended a workshop on How To Get a 4.0. The workshop consultant showed her how to take notes, how to study and how to build relationships with college professors.

“Following the plan in my base courses made it easier to survive in my later courses,” she said.

While at A&T, Nock worked as a tutor and student researcher. She was also a member of the National Society of Black Engineers and served as president of the Tau Beta Pi engineering honor society. In April, she was presented the University Award for her outstanding record of accomplishment and leadership in academics, student activities and community service.

Nock explained that her motivation to succeed is fueled by the desire to achieve things others consider unattainable. In high school, Nock was told she could not take an advance placement course because there were little to no black students at her school who did.

“I said fine. I’m going to do it just to prove that it can be done,” she said. Nock completed 12 advance placement courses.

In 2012, while on a faculty-led trip to Malawi she devised a plan to keep girls in school during their menstruation period by teaching them how to make reusable sanitary napkins. A teacher at the school told her it would never work. Now, Nock’s idea has gained wide-spread attention.

Nock will begin the National Science Fellowship in 2015. She plans to pursue a PhD in Industrial Engineering at the University of Massachusetts- Amherst.

“I want to work with developing nations to increase their power grid infrastructure and educational programs,” which she plans to do while being a university professor.

As Nock prepares to travel to new places she finds commencement to be a bitter-sweet moment.

“I thank the Honor’s Program (at A&T) so much because without them I would not have known about the Rhodes, the Marshall, the Fulbright or the Mitchell,” she said.

“People here care for no reason, they have no reason to care about what I’m doing but they just do,” Nock added.

Spring 2014 Commencement will take place at the Greensboro Coliseum, 1921 West Lee Street. Line-up will be at 8:00 a.m. and the processional will begin promptly at 8:30 a. m. The Coliseum doors will open at approximately 7:30 a.m.

By: Courtney J. Jackson

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